Monday, September 27, 2010


It gets really discouraging when people don't listen to me. They tend to classify me and categorize me with the modern teens of this day and age. I am not some shallow minded air headed teenager who has only brains for socializing with other no brains and partying. I consider myself a young adult. I do not follow after the world's standards of living or anything else. I have a set of higher God-written standards that I live by. It's not just a religion or something to wear on the outside. I have a deep yearning to seek after God and His word. I eat and drink the Word. It's a life-sustaining gift that is sitting right before each and every one of us. If only we would just dig in and consume every standard and promise God has so graciously placed before us. I think differently than most everyone my age and most older adults. I believe that how I see things is a gift from God...a gift I don't thank God enough for. I wish others would see things as I do, but they don't. And when I try to share something I have found or learned, they blow me off like a disgusting little insect that lands on your arm very much uninvited. This even happens in church. They say I'm too young to take on some form of role in their systematic hierarchy. Again, they classify me as the world does...with all the  shallow minded teenagers......when will they wake up and realize I'm different?....when I leave their puppet show?....maybe that's what it will take....Another thing. The Bible says (and several people are continually quoting this) that God gives us talents and He will take them away if we don't use them. What is a person to do, though, if they try to use what God gave them, but are pushed back with disdain? I guess finding another place to use my talent is what I must do. 

Here is a thought that just came to me.....I am so glad God made Southern Gospel music and singers......There are so many songs that uplift my spirit and that help remind me that God always has a place for me....that He can still use me somehow....that He still loves me.....

I love these words from the song "I can Pray" 

You say I'm not able....I'm too young or I'm too old
And I can't sing or teach....and no title do I hold
Oh what can I do....for I want to do my part
And I want to help the hurting.....with all of my heart

I can pray..............

Thank you Lord for what You have given me and what You are still holding on to....for a later time....Your time....I will praise You always matter what happens.......

1 comment:

Sassy_Mamma said...

Baby, it breaks my heart to read this. But, I know it's true. I have tried and tried to get people to understand, but Satan has too strong a hold on them and has the blinders on pretty darn tight. Just keep praying and staying in God's word. He will change things for your good.....and I hope, for their bad (it's a mamma thing)!!