Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Shall Ramble Ramble Ramble

Mamma told me I need to post more than just Bible devotions and thoughts on my blog. I need to write about my day and other stuff. And I agree with her; only I can never seem to think of anything to write - So I will ramble...lol...ummm...ok...I took Jesse to work with me today (vet office)...She needed her shots and an over-all check up...diagnosis: She has fleas, ear mites, and a tumor (it's benign thank the Lord) that needs to be removed. So, she goes back to work with me Friday. I pray all goes well. Jesse did enjoy the car ride though. Ok...what else...hmmmmm...I had lunch at the house with Mamma.....(good company)...oh...I semi officially started my vet tech program today....I took and PASSED (grade of 90 and 92) my math and reading assessment exams...WOOHOO.......It feels good to be doing school work again...lol.....I had grilled chicken and mac&cheese for supper with Mamma and Daddy...We watched an episode of StarGate SG-1.....Right now Jesse is kicking in her sleep, Solymon is on his "perch" with his head buried in the corner again...Smokey is sleeping on the couch right beside me....Oliver is...well, I'm not sure where Oliver is....Jordan was out slithering around her tank....Ok....I think that's good enough for tonight...I am going to bed since I have to get up at 6:25 to get ready for work.....

Thank You Lord for a good day and for my family. Thank You for Your many blessings. 

Praise God in every moment of your life. Whether you are on the mountain top or down in the lowest valley; just praise God and everything will seem lighter. That's because God is right beside you, helping carry your burdens. 

1 comment:

Sassy_Mamma said...

Thank you for allowing others into 'your world'. I love you.