Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Certainty of God's Word

Here is the 365 devotion I read this morning (again my thoughts are italicized) 

God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19, New American Standard Bible).

Scripture: Numbers 23:18-26

After completing my time in the service, I returned home to a small town in Georgia.

I began attending a church that had been experiencing a great success in its ministry. The pastor was a young man not too long out of seminary. One of the points that he stressed to the congregation time and again was not to blindly accept his words or those of another. He reminded us of the importance of meeting with God individually, searching the Scriptures, and knowing His truth. He realized the important fact that man is fallible, even when he has the best intentions.

In an ever-changing world where we often witness injustice and suffering, let us not think for a moment that God is not in control. May we never question His love-love so great that He gave His beloved Son as a redeeming sacrifice for all humanity.

What God has said, He will certainly do. Let each of us become more intimately acquainted with Him; in doing so, we will surely learn how absolutely trustworthy He is.

The entirety of this devotion is good though-provoking material, but one part stood out to me (the underlined part above). This world we live in is indeed changing. Most say it's changing for the worst. According to man's standards, it is. But according to God, it's all part of His grand and mysterious plan. Even in the worst times of life, God is in control. Even when your world is upside down and nothing seems to be going right, just hold your head above the water...God is there right beside you making sure you don't drown. Let us never, even in secret, doubt for one minute that God is not directing and leading. His love for us never weakens. It only grows stronger and more devoted. His almighty hand is covering us through every tempest. When we are at our weakest point...that's when God can really work and show His unfailing love and almighty power.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

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