Friday, September 3, 2010

The Folly of Being Unprepared (Our Daily Walk)

(My thoughts are in blue and are italicized) 

"While they went to buy, the Bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut." -- Mat 25:10.

The foolish virgins made five great mistakes.

(1)They made no provision for the continuance of their light. It is not enough merely to have the lamp; it must be lit and maintained, because there is something for the fire to feed on. How many there are who are on fire and in earnest during the first stage of their religious life, but they have made no provision for maintaining the flame which has been kindled by the grace of God. They have lamps, but have neglected to take oil. The oil stands for fellowship with the Lord Jesus, for the grace of the Holy Spirit, for the daily study of the Bible, for the kindling communion of worship with fellow-Christians.

(2)They slept. There was a difference between the sleep of the foolish and that of the wise. There are two kinds of sleep. The one arises from a sense of security and trust. Every preparation has been made; all has been done that could be done, and we resign ourselves deliberately to the care of God. So Peter slept in the prison, before the angel came to deliver him. But there is another kind of sleep. The sleep of the sentry, when the foe is stealing up the pass; of the pilot, when the ship is making for the serried teeth of the rocks; of the nurse, when the patient's life is quivering in the balance. These foolish ones had no right to sleep, when they were so utterly unready to meet the Bridegroom. We must not take things for granted, or say "Peace, peace, when there is no peace!"

(3) They thought they could procure oil from the wise. But the appeal was in vain. Each must bear his own burden of responsibility in the sight of God. We may "buy without money and without price," but each must appropriate the living grace and power of Jesus for himself.

(4)They thought they could get in; "Lord, Lord, open to us!" But the door was irrevocably closed! "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?"

(5)They thought that the Bridegroom would recognize them. But He said: "I know you not." Let each ask himself: "Does Jesus know me? Will he recognize me at last?" The only way to be sure, is to kneel at the foot of His Cross until He seals us with the Holy Spirit, and says: "Fear not, for I have redeemed thee; I have called thee by thy name, thou art Mine."

This devotional gives 5 good directions on how to be prepared when our Lord and Savior comes back to earth to bring His children home.

(1) Spread the fire of the gospel. It is a grand occasion when we turn our lives to Christ and are saved, but then what? Do we just sit around, keeping this new found key to freedom to ourselves? I think not. We take that key and unlock the chains from as many people as possible. Now, we as humans cannot save people, but we can shed some light on their chains of bondage and show them how to find this freedom we possess. Also, God gave all people a free will, so it will be their choice whether or not to be free. It is our duty as Christians to spread the gospel. I believe that if we are given the opportunity to share God's love and ignore what God has set before us, the blood of that person will be on our hands on the day of judgement (if that person dies a sinner because we did not witness).

(2) Stay alert. As the devotional said, there are 2 kinds of sleeping: (1) the sleep we finally obtain when we know all is prepared and ready to meet our Maker and (2) the slumber of the foolish who are not ready. This second kind of sleep not only endangers us, but it also risks the lives of others around us. If we are ignoring our jobs (as witnesses and in our everyday jobs), it shows that we do not care. If a nurse in the ICU is sleeping on her job and is ignoring the urgent call of her patient, she would not only be fired from her position, but would be arrested for murder, because it was because of her that the patient died. It is the same on judgement day. We are given the task of going into the world and spreading the gospel of Christ. If we are sleeping on our jobs and ignoring the urgent call from God to go and witness, then we are saying that we don't care what happens to those lost souls in need. We don't care that we could be their last hope. We see so many people in need and yet we let these souls, thirsty for the truth, pass by us without a second glance because we are too wrapped up in our own selfish pleasures (sleeping) to care about anything or anybody else. 

(3) Take responsibility. In our Christian walk and in life in general, we have to take responsibility for our words and actions. We can't just pawn of our wrong doings on others and think that God will over-look what we have done. No, God expects us to "own-up" to our doings and then repent. 1John 1:9 says: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." It didn't say if somebody else confesses our sins God will forgive us. No, we have to take responsibility.

(4) Don't wait. Never listen to somebody when they say "oh, it's never too late", because here we see that sometimes it is too late. The foolish virgins waited until the Bridegroom came before they decided to wake up and realize "I need to be prepared for when the Lord returns". If we wait until the judgement day to repent of our sins and get saved, friends it WILL BE TOO LATE. Please don't let another second go by. If your heart is not right with God, please wake up and realize that NOW is the time to be ready. Don't let God's love and salvation pass you by without grabbing hold and hanging on till you hear God say "Well done my child, you have made it home." Those are the words I long to hear. Just to think of my Creator saying those words to me is just too much to bear without my soul bursting with joy. It is such a blessing to know that if I hold my head above the waves of temptation and not give in or back down, then one day I will be able to hear those sweat melodious words.

(5) Put on the right clothes. The foolish virgins thought that Jesus would recognize them and let them in, but they weren't wearing the right spiritual clothes. They slumbered in sin and thus wore the stained and tattered garment of a sin-filled soul. God provides us with the garments that will be recognized as our invitation to enter the gates of Heaven. God has provided His word as a guide for us. He shows us what we need to do to be prepared, but it's up to us to actually gird ourselves with His holy raiment. Only with the right spiritual "clothes" will Jesus recognize that we are His and let us enter into His holy feast. I pray that each and every one of us is ready for that day to come.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Completely by Ana Laura

I guess you can say this is my life song....let the words sink deep...let God fill your heart and soul so much that His love and joy overflows and cannot be contained....this is my prayer for each of ya'll today......

Watching for Souls (Our Daily Walk)

"Christ in you, the hope of glory; Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom."-- Col 1:27-28.

"Watch, and remember, I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears."-- Act 20:31.

THE MINISTRY of warning should be a recognized part of the work of the Church and of each individual member. The foghorn warns the ship from the deadly rocks; the red light warns the train of imminent danger; in the days of the plague people were warned from infected areas: how much more should we, who know the wrath of God which abides on those who refuse Christ, raise our voice in warning. We should do it deliberately, earnestly, patiently, and in reliance upon the Spirit of God to make our words, however much they may be resented, the means of arresting the wicked from the error of his ways, and those who are taking their first steps in forbidden paths from pursuing them (Eze 33:7-9).

How wonderful it is that God does not commission angels to carry His warnings and appeals; instead of this, the work that angels might love to do is entrusted to men. It is at our peril that we neglect our opportunities in this direction. If the signalman is placed at a point where many lines of rail cross or diverge, and he sleeps at his post, or neglects his duty, he may be tried for manslaughter; and if we know of people in the immediate circle of our influence who are in danger of ruining their physical, moral, and spiritual well-being, we are bound to raise a warning voice. If we saw, upon the upper reaches of a river, a boat full of people hastening towards the rapids unheeding the danger, surely we might be guilty of being an accessory in their destruction, if we failed to do something to warn them of their peril.

Accompanying our words of warning, there should be the clear reiteration of the Love of God. He does not desire the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live. It is not enough to try and prevent men from taking the wrong path, we must urge and allure them to take the pleasant ways of righteousness and peace. All are included in the love of God. Even sin cannot turn away His love, which is like that described in the parable of the Prodigal Son, or 1Co 13:1-13.

We should never let an opportunity to share God's love and redemptive plan with another slip matter who the person is, or where they come from.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Refuge from Life's Storms (365 devotion)

"My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him." Psalms 62:5

Scripture: Psalm 62:5-12

Some time ago, I heard about a man who had lived his life seeking God. To his family and friends he had been a light that reflected his faith. But as he grew older, he began to suffer from dementia. He was no longer able to function on his own or even recognize his family and friends. Yet even as he walked in silence down this final path, the gentleness of his spirit gave witness to the Savior that he so dearly loved.

At times, when we face hardships in our lives, we naturally look around us for a way to "solve our problems." We try to rely on our own perceived strengths. If it's a physical setback, we hope doctors can make a correct diagnosis and provide an effective treatment. Or in financial distress, we may seek help from church or charities.

God's desire is that we look to Him and trust in Him alone, amidst every circumstance. He is our refuge and our strength, our everlasting hope.

We make the gravest of mistakes when he try to solve our own problems or try to have other people solve them. The only way we can find relief from our greatest misfortunes or calamities is to take our petitions and lay them at the feet of our almighty God. They are safe with Him and He will be faithful to handle our cares with first priority. If we try to rely on our strengths to solve our problems, things will only end in disaster. Only when we go to God instead of others can we find the true help we need.  

Self-Watch (Our Daily Walk)

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."-- Proverbs 4:23 

Said Peter to our Lord, "Spare Thyself this death of which Thou speakest--this bitter suffering and anguish shall never be Thine!" 

These words are continually spoken still, and many are the voices that bid us spare ourselves--the voices of our friends who love us; the voices of prudence and worldly wisdom; the voices of our own wayward hearts. 

Do not spare your judgment of yourself. Never permit yourself to do things which you would be the first to condemn in others. Never suppose that there are reasons for you to do a wrong, which, under no circumstances would you tolerate in your neighbor.

Do not spare yourself in confessing your sins and mistakes. Confession is one of the tests of nobility. Not a few are willing to confess to God, who never attempt to confess to men. It is a serious question whether that sorrow for sin is genuine and deep enough which does not lead the offender to ask his fellow-man for pardon, even as he asks his God. Nothing could be clearer than Christ's words, that whenever we remember that our brother has aught against us, we are to leave our gift at the altar, and go first to seek reconciliation with him, before we offer our sacrifice to God.

The supreme test of goodness is not in the greater but in the smaller incidents of our character and practice; not what we are when standing in the searchlight of public scrutiny, but when we reach the firelight flicker of our homes; not what we are when some clarion-call rings through the air, summoning us to fight for life and liberty, but our attitude when we are called to sentry-duty in the grey morning, when the watch-fire is burning low. It is impossible to be our best at the supreme moment if character is corroded and eaten into by daily inconsistency, unfaithfulness, and besetting sin.

You cannot really help people without expending yourself. The only work that tells must cost you something. Gold, silver, and precious stones can never be built into the new Jerusalem unless you are willing to part with them from the stores of your own life.

How many time are we guilty of making a mistake and we think nothing of it, but when our neighbor makes the same mistake we condemn him with great ferocity.  We should never even think about doing anything that we would look down on our neighbor for. We need to continually keep our heart in check. We need to guard our heart and soul with the utmost priority. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Certainty of God's Word

Here is the 365 devotion I read this morning (again my thoughts are italicized) 

God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19, New American Standard Bible).

Scripture: Numbers 23:18-26

After completing my time in the service, I returned home to a small town in Georgia.

I began attending a church that had been experiencing a great success in its ministry. The pastor was a young man not too long out of seminary. One of the points that he stressed to the congregation time and again was not to blindly accept his words or those of another. He reminded us of the importance of meeting with God individually, searching the Scriptures, and knowing His truth. He realized the important fact that man is fallible, even when he has the best intentions.

In an ever-changing world where we often witness injustice and suffering, let us not think for a moment that God is not in control. May we never question His love-love so great that He gave His beloved Son as a redeeming sacrifice for all humanity.

What God has said, He will certainly do. Let each of us become more intimately acquainted with Him; in doing so, we will surely learn how absolutely trustworthy He is.

The entirety of this devotion is good though-provoking material, but one part stood out to me (the underlined part above). This world we live in is indeed changing. Most say it's changing for the worst. According to man's standards, it is. But according to God, it's all part of His grand and mysterious plan. Even in the worst times of life, God is in control. Even when your world is upside down and nothing seems to be going right, just hold your head above the water...God is there right beside you making sure you don't drown. Let us never, even in secret, doubt for one minute that God is not directing and leading. His love for us never weakens. It only grows stronger and more devoted. His almighty hand is covering us through every tempest. When we are at our weakest point...that's when God can really work and show His unfailing love and almighty power.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

The Growth of the Soul

Here is the 'Our Daily Walk' devotional I read this morning (my thoughts are italicized) 

"My soul followeth hard after Thee: Thy right hand upholdeth me."-- Psa 63:8.

THERE ARE three notes in this Psalm which betoken the stages of the soul's growth: "My soul thirsteth for Thee"; "my soul shall be satisfied"; "my soul followeth hard after Thee." We may be passing through a wilderness of spiritual drought, the dark night of the soul, the seasons of dryness and depression which are apt to befall. In some cases, as when Elijah asked to die, or when John sent his despairing question to Christ from his prison, it is the result of physical or mental overstrain. But at such times, let us never hesitate still to speak of God as "'my God." Nothing can sever you from His everlasting Love. You may not have the glad consciousness of it, but you must never surrender your belief in it. Go on blessing Him, as long as you live, and lift up your hands in prayer. But we can never be satisfied with what we have attained. God is ever moving forward! Let us follow hard after Him.

When our souls find God and His blessings and peace it is like being being lost in a dangerous forest and coming upon a path that shows you the way out to safety. You don't just rejoice that you found the path and then turn around and go back into the dark forest. No, you follow the sign until you reach the clearing. It's the same way with God. When we open our hearts to Him, we don't just need to rejoice and then return to our old ways. No, we rejoice, are satisfied by his blessings and love, and we follow close after Him until we reach our eternal home in Heaven.

Even through the hard times let us never fail to praise our Lord and master. God is ever with us. He walks beside us even in the worst storms and the lowest valleys.

New Start

I am officially starting a new blog....past is irrelevant....I am looking a head now....looking to God...I know he will send much better things my way.... :)  God is such a great God.....He is ever present...He walks right beside us even through the storms and valleys...... God is so good......  Thank you God for a brand new day...